Every opportunity to explore the lifestyle comes with its own list of questions and concerns. Below, we've attempted to answer some of the most commonly asked questions about Melt and the lifestyle in general.

What do you mean when you talk about "the lifestyle"?

Because the term "lifestyle" is used by several types of alternative lifestyles, it's an important question. Melt is specifically aimed towards couples and singles who want to experience sexual freedom and exploration through physical non-monogamy. This is frequently referred to as ethical "non-monogamy" or "swinging". Our events accommodate couples and singles across the spectrum of non-monogamy - from casual explorers to experienced swingers.

What is the difference between a Melt event and a lifestyle resort of club?

We created Melt to explore fantasies that are not readily available at the typical lifestyle venues and events. We were frustrated with the fact that lifestyle venues were mostly the same club/party atmosphere, usually only comfortable for extroverts and those who love the party culture. Melt provides a more relaxed, guided environment as well as personal introductions to other couples and singles so that everyone is guaranteed to connect with others, regardless of the level of interaction they enjoy.

Is this experience appropriate for newbies in the lifestyle?

We specifically craft our events to allow for various levels of experience and comfort, including those who are new or just dipping their toes in. All of our events allow for various levels of interaction based on the dynamics of your relationship and your personal comfort level. Consent, permission, and freedom are the cornerstones our culture.

Where in Tampa are your lifestyle events held?

We hold our events at an artistic venue near downtown Tampa. The exact location of this venue is provided only to members of our VIP list. It is a safe, private, and comfortable location with each event limited in the number of attendees.

Do I have to participate in every aspect of your events?

We do request that each guest participate fully in our events. However, every aspect of our events is crafted in a way that allows each guest to interact and engage at their own level of comfort and consent. You will never be required to go beyond your personal comfort level or anything that is beyond your relationship dynamics. We guarantee it.


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Tampa's Curated Lifestyle Experiences